The OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS Program is made available to students who would otherwise be subject to immediate expulsion from the Columbus City Schools. Involvement in OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS can defer or eliminate the possibility of expulsion based upon cooperation and involvement by parent and student. Growth of the program over the past two years has also afforded students grades K-8 (with the exception of select student in grades 9-12) the opportunity to participate in Options for Success in lieu of suspension. This new development permitted 251 students the opportunity to participate in Options for Success verses being subject to immediate suspension from school.
OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS is located at Linmoor Education Center, 2001 Hamilton Ave., Columbus, OH 43211, 614-365-5842. An enrollment appointment must be made within two (2) school days after the hearing by the parent/guardian. Families are provided specific enrollment information at the time of the students’ hearing. It is with this understanding that students and parents sign the OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS contract (at the expulsion hearing), pledging their cooperation and responsibility to follow the expectations and procedures of the OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS program to ensure a successful completion of an assignment.
An enrollment assessment (to be completed by parent and student), will determine the student’s instructional program and supplemental activities in consultation of the trained staff.
For the 2015-16 School Year, 206 students successfully completed the Options for Success Program and during the 2016-17 School year, 217 students successfully completing the Options for Success Program.
Student's Personal Experiences
"I think the O4S program is good for students who need it. The classes at O4S are just like at my regular school. Although the classes here are easier they are more fun than at my regular school. Even though I didn't want to be here, I have met some more people. It was a good experience being in the O4S program."
"Options for Success is a good place for people to get a second chance and get the grades they need. The O4S staff is really nice and very helpful, and they are doing a good job. The whole time I was here was good and helpful. I think there should be more places like this program."
"My time here at Options for Success gave me time to reflect on a lot of things. I would not consider my time here "fun", but I would consider it insightful. The program gave me the opportunity to maintain my grades, and I feel like I've made a lot of friends."
"The teachers here are great! They give the attention needed to each student, answer all of our questions, and help as much as they can. They set up fun activities for us to do called Cooperative Learning. They also have a class called Get Real that's all about helping the kids change their way of thinking and reacting, and to help us from getting in more trouble."